This morning the Lord gave me the privilege of speaking about his word in the church. I talked about something that is very near and dear to my heart. The already not yet aspects of the kingdom of God. As Christians we look back to the first advent of Christ in remembrance of him and we look ahead in anticipation of his second coming, when all will be made right.
God is presently at work making all things new through the work of the Spirit. God has declared that he will create a new heaven and new earth, but unlike the first creation where he made the earth first and later made man, in his new creation, God is making the people first. When “It is finished,” God will make the new heaven and the new earth; then, and only then will God rest. Jesus is the first man to be raised in the new creation. All will be raised on the last day; those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord, will be raised to eternal life in the new heaven and new earth which is yet to come, but those who reject him will go away into eternal punishment. (Matthew 25:46)
“Tis the season” is a phrase used to represent the holidays and can be used in regards to everything from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It is often said, “Tis the season to by jolly.” Jolly is another word for cheerful. I am struggling to be jolly this holiday season; however, I am trusting in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ completed during his first advent and I am looking ahead in anticipation with hope in his second coming. Whether you be jolly or are struggling with sadness during this season, look to Christ, for he alone is the hope of us all.
Until next week,
Your Servant for Jesus’ Sake